Thursday, December 13, 2012

Tables Menu

Tables:  To draw the table mainly, to insert or delete or select the tables, how or columns to merging, put cells of tables, to sort the data of tables or to show or hide grid lines for tables.

Draw Table:  Draw table has been gives a draw capability. In free- from pencil mode, you can draw or erase you own table line. Thicken and shadow the lines split and merge cells.

Insert Table:  Insert a table with the number of rows and columns you specify.

Delete Table: You can delete table.  

Delete Columns:  You can delete columns

Delete Row:  You can delete row

Delete Cells:  To delete cells.


Select Row: In table menu select, select row option

Select Column: In table menu select, select column option.

Select Table: In table menu select, select table option.

Marge Cells: Merge the contents of multiple cells. When you merge cells, their contents are converted to paragraph within the cell.

Split Cell: if you want to split the selected cell use split option in table menu. Word may ask you to specify how many cells you want after the split.

Split table:
  1. To split a table in two, click the row that you want to be the first row of the second table.
  2. On the Table menu, click Split Table.
Table auto Format:
Use table auto format to apply predefined styles to a tables, including borders and shading and to automatically set the size of the table.
Auto fit:
Distribute Rows Evenly: Only in Word Changes the selected Rows or cells to equal Row Heights. By Default Row Height is according to the height of the rows selected.      

Distribute Columns Evenly:- Changes the selected Column or Cells to Equal Column Width. By default Column Width is according to the Columns.

Headings: Table headings are not automatically repeated across page breaks. If this option is selected you can repeat the heading in tables that span more than one page and automatically update edited heading text.

Convert text to table/Convert table to text:  Sometimes you’ll start a project using tabs and wish you would create a table. Word makes it quite easy to convert text to table/convert table to text. Text converts to a table includes separator character such as paragraph mark, tab character & commas or other characters.

Sort: Rearrange test in a document by shorting it numerically, alphabetically or by date.

Formula: Make total, Average, Maximum and minimum through a formula. Press Ctrl + F9 and type Formula =sum (range) and than press F9.

Show / hide Gridline:  Gridlines form the cell boundaries and are not printed. All tables by default have a black ½-point, single-line, solid-line border that is printed. If you remove this border, the gridlines remain until you hide them.
Table properties:  To Show properties of table.