Programming enables
(i) Visual
development of graphical user interface which are easy to use and easy to learn
(ii) A
programmer need not write code to display the required component.
For example the
visual programming environment displays a list of available components. The
programmer picks up the required component from this list to display it.
(iii) The
components can be moved re-sized and even deleted if so required.
(iv) There is no
restriction on the number of controls that can be placed on the form.
(v) The
programmer can create the user interface visually he can align, move or size
the component as required without having to resort to writing code.
(vi) The
interface component provided by the visual programming environment has code some
built into them.
For example a
button knows when it has been clicked upon. In the case of conventional programming
tools the programmer has to write code to determine the component that has been
clicked and then execute the appropriate code.