Monday, December 17, 2012

Action Button & Setting

Action buttons and action settings: 
With help of action buttons you can create a link between slides. (For example when you r viewing the last slide, you can go to the first slide again by putting the action button.)

·         Click on slide show menu
·         Click on action button
·         Select a button according to your requirement and drag the mouse to draw it in the slide.
·         The action settings dialogue appears. You can select any tab mouse click or mouse over, which will work, according to your selection. (For example select the mouse click.)
·         Automatically hyperlink to option get selected
·         Now from the list select any option as required (for example to move to the next slide select from the list next slide )

·         Then click ok.
·         This way you can link with the slides, document, web page etc.
·         Using action settings you can run a program also.
·         You can either drop an action button or you can select an object. (For example you can select a picture).
·         When you are linking with the action buttons, the action setting dialogue comes automatically but when you are going to link a program with an object select it and open action settings from the slide show menu.
·         Click on run program option, click on browse.
·         Select any program(for example select notepad)
·         Then click ok and again click ok.
·         Now when you are viewing the show click on the objects or button where you have set the program. The program starts running.
·         To play sounds check the play sound check box from the action settings dialogue and then select any sound from the list. Now when you are viewing the show click on the objects or button where you have set the sound. Then it starts playing the sound.

·         Open setup shows from slide show menu.
·         Here you can change the show type according to your requirement (For ex….- If you check the option loop continuously until esc,than the view show will continue till you press Esc Button.)
·         From the slides you can select all to set for all slides or you can select the slides by mentioning the starting number and the end number in from and to box .
·         From Advance slides you can set the show manually or you select the next option using timings, if present to run the view show with timings.
·         When you have done the entire setting click OK.

ANIMATION PREVIEW: Animation preview shows the preview of the slides. This will give you an idea before running the show.