Thursday, December 13, 2012

Edit Menu

Edit: Includes new, cut, copy, delete or paste the selected text, object search and replace the word & pareses automatically

Undo: Use undo to cancel the last command.

Redo:  It is used to redo the last action.

Cut: Cut the selected text temporarily and paste at another location.

Copy: Copy the selected text in the memory.

Office clipboard: Office Clipboard works with the standard Copy and Paste commands. Just copy an item to the Office Clipboard to add it to your collection, then paste it from the Office Clipboard into any Office document at any time. The collected items stay on the Office Clipboard until you exit Office.

Paste: Paste the text through memory in the current cursor position.

Paste special: Paste text without formatting or paste link the text through memory in the current position.

Paste as hyperlink: Link between the two pages through hyperlink.
Clear: Delete the selected text formatting & delete text permanently.

Select all: Select all the objects & text in the current file.

Find: A powerful and frequently used word processing feature is of searching for a specified word.

Replace: Replace the particular text to another text.

Go to: This is one of their easiest and quickest ways to move in a big document to go to the particular page.

Links: Link two word documents, or link a document created with another application to a word document.

Object: Edit an object embedded in the word document.