opening a new or existing file, to save or to save with different names, to
change default, setting of page margin, size & orientation & to print a
File: Includes opening a new or existing
file, to save or to save with different names, to change default, setting of
page margin, size & orientation & to print a document.
New: Word will open a new,
untitled document window. To create a document, click at the new option in the
file menu or new button in the toolbar or use ctrl+ n keyboard shortcut key
Open: with word running, if
you wish to open a pre-existing/loaded document, choose open command on the
file pull down menu or use ctrl+ o keyboard shortcut key.
Close: Close current file.
Save: Uses the save command on the file pull
down menu or use ctrl+ s keyboard shortcut.
Save as: Save the current file with another name.
Save as web page: You can save the current file as web page.
File search: Search any file in computer system.
Version: Save and manage multiple
version of a document in a single file instead of saving each version in a
separate file.
Web Page Preview: In Web page preview, you can see how your document will
look in a Web browser.
setup: Set
the page setting in the file like change the margins (Top, Bottom, Left, Right
& Gutter margin ) set the margin apply in whole document and this point
forward. Paper size (letter, A4, legal etc)
Print preview: Use print preview to
display a document exactly as it will be printed means view the document will
look how when you’ll print it.
Print: Print the current file
& current page & print the selected area and print the selected pages
as like 2, 4,6,9,12,15 etc.
Send to: To send current file matter to another
application program.
Properties: Display the property sheet
of the active file statistics information means display total pages, paragraph,
lines, words, characters, characters with space in the file.
Exit: Exit from file.