Thursday, December 13, 2012


Insert: Includes creating page, to add page number, date & time, are to text, comment, captions to active document or add object such as picture text box. Hhhhhhhhhhyperlink to an active document.

Cells: It is used to insert the cell in worksheet.

Rows: It is used to insert the row in worksheet.

Columns: It is used to insert the column in worksheet.

Worksheet: By default, an Excel workbook is made up of three worksheets. You may insert as many additional sheets as you require. Sheets are inserted in front of the current worksheet.
Chart: This adds a chart of the selected data or of the entire worksheet if you have no data selected.

Symbol: Insert symbol to add a symbol or special character to a document.

Page Break: Inserts page breaks above and to the left of the active cell. To avoid adding a page break to the left, make sure a cell in Column A is selected before inserting the break.

Function: It is used to insert the function in worksheet.

Name: It is used to assign the name to a cell.

Hyper link: It is used to relate the any documents. (Ctrl+K) Cells – Use this command to insert a cell. A pop-up window allows you to move existing data down or to the right. You can also insert rows or columns with this window.

Comments: Add comments to a document to a document with insert comment.

  1. Click where you want to insert the picture.
  2. On the Insert menu, point to Picture, and then click From File.
  3. Locate the picture you want to insert.
  4. Double-click the picture you want to insert.
  1. Diagram: -On the Drawing toolbar, click Diagram or Organizational Chart.
  2. Click one of the following diagram types:
§  Venn
§  Cycle
§  Pyramid
§  Target
§  Radial
  1. Click OK.
  2. Do one or more of the following:
§  If you want to add text to an element in the diagram, right-click the element, click Edit Text, and then type the text. For cycle and target diagrams, you can only add text to the text placeholders that appear when you insert the diagram or diagram element.
§  If you want to add an element, click Insert Shape on the Diagram toolbar.
§  If you want to add a preset design scheme, click AutoFormat on the Diagram toolbar, and select a style from the Diagram Style Gallery.
  1. Click outside the drawing when you are finished.
Object: Create and insert object in your current file
1.  Select word you want to create link.
2.  On the inset menu, click Hyperlink.
3.  In the File name box, enter the name of the file you want to make hyperlink and then click ok.