Event Driven
Visual Basic procedures that respond to events and are automatically generated
by the Visual Basic. Visual Basic is based upon an event-driven paradigm, in
which each feature included within the program is activated only when the user
responds to a corresponding object (i.e., an icon, a checkbox, an option
button, a menu selection, etc.) within the user interface. The programmer adds
code to respond to specific events, and only events that are relevant to a program
need be coded. The group of Basic commands that brings about this response is
called an event-procedure.
Keyboard Events
onkeydown When a keyboard key is pressed
onkeypress When a keyboard key is pressed and released
onkeyup When a keyboard key is released
The Change event is generated
each time a new character is typed or deleted.
Mouse Events
onclick When an object is
clicked with the mouse
ondblclick When an object is double-clicked with
the mouse
onmousedown When the mouse is clicked on an
onmousemove When the mouse is moved