File: Includes opening a
new or existing file, to save or to save with different names, to change
default, setting of page margin, size & orientation & to print a
New: Excel will open a new
untitled Workbook. To create a Workbook, click at the new option in the file
menu or new button in the toolbar or use ctrl+ n keyboard shortcut key
Open: with Excel running, if
you wish to open a pre-existing/loaded Workbook, choose open command on the
file pull down menu or use ctrl+ o keyboard shortcut key.
Close: Close current file.
Save: Uses the save command on
the file pull down menu or use ctrl+ s keyboard shortcut.
Save as: Save the current file with another
name. (F12)
Save as web page: You can save the current
file as web page.
Save Workspace: Saves a list of the open
workbooks, their sizes, and their positions on the screen store in one
workspace file so that the next screen will look the same the next time you
open the workspace file then all files are opened at a time.
File search: Search any file in computer system.
Web Page Preview: In Web page preview, you
can see how your Workbook will look in a Web browser.
Page setup: Set the page setting in the
file like change the margins (Top, Bottom, Left, Right & Gutter margin )
set the margin apply in whole Workbook and this point forward. Paper size
(letter, A4, legal etc)
Print Area: Click the print area box to
select a worksheet range to print and then drag through the worksheet areas
that you want to print.
Print preview: Use print preview to display a Workbook exactly as it
will be printed means view the Workbook will look how when you’ll print it.
Print: Print the current file
& current page & print the selected area and print the selected pages
as like 2, 4,6,9,12,15 etc.
Send to: To send current file matter to another
application program.
Properties: Display the property sheet
of the active file statistics information means display total pages, paragraph,
lines, words, characters, characters with space in the file.
Exit: Exit
from file.